So Many Times The World Is Black Or White

ImageSo many times the world seems black and white. The poor get poorer while the richer get rich. More and more actors side with the middle-poor class than the rich. Yet so many of the people in the world think that actors-or even top notch celebrities do not care. So many times people seem to forget that just because actors-celebrities have an x amount of money that they do not have problems. Though questions people should ask themselves: What is fame? Who does not have problems? Every one of us have problems as we are all human beings. So many people believe in the power of God-Jesus the church, but what really does the church-does religion or prayer do than to give us a sense of the fact that “there might be” an afterlife to see our friends and family. Though what if death is just that, death? What if we do not get to see anyone? People seem to have such a one sided view of everything, or maybe that remains just the whole world that does. People think that our present pope Pope Francis I is brilliantly epic just because of pictures-though they do not seem to get a lot of that is just for PR purposes. How many times have we as a world said whichever president is going to be great and then they are not-the same goes for popes too. Then druggies, alcoholics and depressed people and sick mentally people seem to be thrown into one group who remain constantly burned at the stake for being that way. Though who are we to judge? And any actors who have those problems-well drugs and alcohol are just for that reason to “escape” and just because they have an x amount of money does not mean that all of their problems are cured. Time and time again we seem to see this. It is time that the world change it’s view on so many things. It is time the world questions anything and everything. 

Some things I Think about Gabriel Byrne. . .and Other Things…..Randomness….

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It just occurred to me from everything I have read, from everything I have heard or rather seen people say about Gabriel. That, Gabriel most likely comes across as brooding to so many simply because no matter what picture(except for those of Byrne smiling). Well, Gabriel is undoubtedly one of the most highly intellectual people around-and in pretty much every picture of him, he appears as though he has so many thoughts going through his mind. Of course, I do not doubt that is very true of Gabriel-that he has so many thoughts whirring in his mind. I can relate, as and at least for myself it is so hard to not think of an overwhelming number of things including the past which tends to haunt everyone. 

  I think that Gabriel as much as he may have been told it was not his fault. I think Byrne as so much of us do because it is only human to do so-that he criticises himself so harshly. Though that is a human trait I think-it’s too easy to blame oneself so harshly where others can lighten up those harsh thoughts by not judging so critically. Or, vice-versa others finding more faults in us while we try to deny all of those faults. I think Gabriel still blames himself harshly over his marriage with the grand Ellen Barkin. I think at the time Byrne had most likely as we all do in our first relationship or marriage that it will be the fairytale perfect one.

 I also think that since reading Gabriel’s two reviews and as many films as he has been filming recently(I think his creative juices got pressed to throw himself out there and act more). Though from the reviews I think that Gabriel wants people to keep in mind that he is not just an actor, but a writer-but more than that a person with his own thoughts, feelings, beliefs. And I think that Gabriel did a grand job of it-I loved his review of Oliver Reed’s autobiography! I love Gabriel’s review of Oliver Reed’s autobiography not simply because it was written by Gabriel. I also love it though because I love what he did at the end of it–sticking up for the underdogs. I have to say I agree with Gabriel that as a culture-a society we should stop this voyeurism, this flashing and smudging of actors like Lindsay Lohan among others and what have you. 

 We are slaves of voyeurism-slaves of sadism as a society still. We like to constantly hurt others no matter at what cost-at least as a whole(perhaps not individually) and certainly not all of us. I think Gabriel was standing up for those underdogs, because Gabriel has been there. He also had a point that we should stop overly romanticising the alcoholic as that only feeds more fuel to the fire. Well certainly on my behalf I am not sure what Gabriel was like then in terms of him being an alcoholic(I could only imagine-from reading “Christine Falls”and well Quirke). 

  To be certain, I would not have overly romanticised him at that point-or felt “sorry” yet at the same time I would have pushed for him to get help. Hmm….certainly also then we should not overly romanticize or flash depression everywhere either. People have called Byrne brooding, however I don’t think that Gabriel is brooding at all, he is however very much an extremely soulful and engimatic person. Gabriel is an enigma, he is egoless to be sure as well I think. Ha! funny too because at least re; my tweets I have been labeled as being an “enigma” as far as the fact that well I s’pose I do not stick to the “norms” of the world. Though day by day it seems as though it is harder and harder not to conform just a little-as much as I try not to. 

 I s’pose I just really wanted to write all this up as some of these things have been haunting my thoughts and would just not let me go. As well, I don’t know…..I s’pose I just hope that one day… day I can interview Gabriel Byrne, maybe have a cup o’ coffee with him and just talk freely about-about the world,-politics, music, religion, everything. Giving my heart and spirit to Gabriel in spirit-I think possibly even my mind as well-my soul to his soul. It’s easy to do contemplating so many things-anyways touching tendrils of his soul I think as a person, an intellect, an artist has given my life so much clarity including being able to see just how beautiful his present girlfriend Hannah Beth King is. 

 I just hope….hope….and pray that someday……someday I may be able to call Gabriel a “friend” if not anything closer and now alas, I will end this very random arse blog of small sweet nothings.